Kindness is a skill that needs to be developed.
It has the power to overcome differences and bridge divides. Just like any other skill, it must be taught and continuously developed. You have the power to start teaching kindness skills at home.
A Bullying Resource for Parents & Caring Adults
88% of teens say that the home is the most effective place to learn kindness, compassion, and inclusivity.
The 2022 Choose Kindness Project Survey, conducted by Ipsos
It has the power to overcome differences and bridge divides. Just like any other skill, it must be taught and continuously developed. You have the power to start teaching kindness skills at home.
This resource will explore the following topics in depth:
Empathy is a concerned response to another person’s feelings. It involves feeling, thinking, and even a physical reaction that our bodies have to other people when we relate to how they feel.
A key component of practicing kindness and empathy with others is showing patience, generosity, and a willingness to hear someone else’s perspective.
Intentional inclusion is when you accept, value, and include someone who is different from you.
Allyship, or being an ally, is showing compassion and support for someone or communities who might be a target of bias and or bullying.
Not judging others, being mindful to not exclude those who are different from ourselves in our activities, encouraging your child to reach out to those who are either sitting alone or on the sideline.
We have options for your situation: